
Dresner Group Blog

Our technology blogs feature IT tips and best practices for businesses in Columbia, Baltimore, Bel Air and in and about Maryland since 2002.

You Need Your Business’ IT to Match Your Business’ Size

You Need Your Business’ IT to Match Your Business’ Size

Technology is an essential part of most business operations nowadays, regardless of the size of the business… and how that size may change over time. As such, it is essential that the infrastructure that supports this IT can adapt to these swells and declines.

Let’s discuss why it is so important that your IT infrastructure fits your business and a few best practices for tailoring it.

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Productivity is Great… Here’s How to Encourage It

Productivity is Great… Here’s How to Encourage It

Productivity is extremely important for your business' ability to generate revenue and maintain consistent performance. Interestingly, many businesses face similar productivity challenges over time. What can small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) do to improve productivity when it starts to decline? Let's take a look at some strategies to keep productivity high. 

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Social Engineering is Not a Risk to Underestimate

Social Engineering is Not a Risk to Underestimate

Cybercriminals will do anything they can to get what they want. They will lie and cheat to break into an organization’s network and siphon off the data or gain control. One of the most utilized tactics that cybercriminals use today is called social engineering. This month, we will discuss social engineering and how it puts everything you work for in jeopardy. 

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Tip of the Week: Zip and Unzip Compressed Files

Tip of the Week: Zip and Unzip Compressed Files

Have you ever seen the file types that look like normal folders, but they have a zipper on the icon? These are ZIP files, and they are helpful for a variety of reasons. We’re sure you have encountered zipped files throughout your time using technology, and today, we want to demystify them a little bit and show you how to use them effectively.

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Five Password Best Practices You Must Keep in Mind for 2024

Five Password Best Practices You Must Keep in Mind for 2024

Passwords have long been one of the central pillars of account security on the Internet. Combined with a username, they make up the foundation of most login systems. Because of this, they are a hot commodity for hackers who want to steal credentials and infiltrate accounts or networks. In recent years, however, other security measures have exposed the weakness of poor passwords for security, leading to the adoption of other measures.

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Why You Can’t Just Rip Memory from Your Computer

Why You Can’t Just Rip Memory from Your Computer

Transferring data between different computers and devices has become a routine task. Let's explore the steps you need to take before ejecting memory from a computer to ensure your data's integrity and the memory card's longevity.

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How to Prioritize Security in File Sharing

How to Prioritize Security in File Sharing

Business file sharing has become a daily routine. It's a crucial part of collaboration, communication, and overall productivity. However, with the rise of cyberthreats, file security is more important than ever. It's not just about sharing files but doing it securely and efficiently. Today, we'll look at some best practices for business file sharing.

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Important Steps For Improving Customer Satisfaction

Important Steps For Improving Customer Satisfaction

The modern customer is more educated than ever before. As a result, you have to have an active strategy to build great customer experiences so you can retain business with them. In this month’s newsletter, we’ll go over some things you can do to improve your customer relationships. 

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Some of the Best Practices for Internal File Sharing

Some of the Best Practices for Internal File Sharing

Ensuring that your organization's file-sharing policies and procedures are built to enhance security can significantly impact collaboration, distinguishing between efficient, streamlined processes and time-purging, wasteful practices. Navigating this terrain can be a challenge. Let’s explore several best practices your organization can adopt to optimize file-sharing.

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How to Keep Engagement Up (Even in a Remote or Hybrid Workplace)

How to Keep Engagement Up (Even in a Remote or Hybrid Workplace)

Remote and hybrid work models have become more popular than ever, in no small part thanks to the improved technology businesses of all sizes can now access. Nevertheless, this shift has brought new challenges for organizations everywhere. One such challenge is maintaining and enhancing remote workplace engagement—a crucial aspect that directly impacts employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention.

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Here’s What We Recommend for SMB Network Security

Here’s What We Recommend for SMB Network Security

Network security is complicated, and as such, you need to have considerable knowledge of it to ensure that your business is as secure as possible against the plethora of threats out there. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone. We want to give you some insight into the dos and don’ts of network security.

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Actions to Take When Your Phone Goes Missing

Actions to Take When Your Phone Goes Missing

If you are like many of the rest of us, the thought of losing your phone is a situation that brings on anger and fear. If your phone has been stolen, there are several steps you have to take to mitigate potential risks and increase the chances of recovering your device. Here's a general guide.

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Consider Your Technology When Expanding

Consider Your Technology When Expanding

Opening a new location is an exciting event for any business, but it's not without a litany of difficult decisions to make. One thing is certain, challenges always emerge. One thing you can do is plan your technology needs strategically to avoid headaches in that arena. Today, we take a look at how to best get your new location outfitted with the technology it needs to succeed.

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How to Use Technology to Manage Business Complexity

How to Use Technology to Manage Business Complexity

Businesses are complex beasts, and there can be a lot of moving parts that need to be addressed in order for them to run effectively. Business technology can aid in this effort quite substantially. Here are four ways you can implement technology to help make managing your business easier.

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Getting Started Using Your Data to Build a More Effective Business

Getting Started Using Your Data to Build a More Effective Business

Business Intelligence (BI) is a platform that uses the data that your business creates to help you make advanced business decisions. Starting to use data for business intelligence involves several key steps to effectively gather the data you want to sort through and successfully analyze it in a way that can allow you to understand your business better. 

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Blank Emails Could Just Be a Different Type of Threat

Blank Emails Could Just Be a Different Type of Threat

Phishing attacks are the most common attack vector used by hackers, and while it helps to know what a phishing attack looks like, it’s also good to know what they don’t look like. The latest example of a phishing attack takes this to an extreme, utilizing blank messages to confuse recipients in a creative take on phishing attacks.

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Get Out In Front of Your Technology Issues

Get Out In Front of Your Technology Issues

Wouldn’t it be great if your business didn’t have to worry about technology problems? Well, with the right amount of attention and care invested, your business can minimize technology issues and optimize your infrastructure for proactive technology management rather than reactive. Let’s go over some of the most important practices. 

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Use the Eisenhower Matrix to Prioritize Tasks

Use the Eisenhower Matrix to Prioritize Tasks

If you have a to-do list a mile long, then you’ll need to develop a system to place priority on what truly matters and what could be put off until a bit later. Thankfully, you don’t have to develop a system from scratch, as one of the more interesting methods for tackling your to-do list has already been developed and inspired by a 1950s speech: the Eisenhower Matrix.

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Is Your IT Person Taking Care of These Mandatory Tasks?

Is Your IT Person Taking Care of These Mandatory Tasks?

As your business grows and shifts, managing your technology can become increasingly complicated. It can get to the point where properly taking care of your IT and supporting your users is a full time job. If you are just calling a computer person to come and fix problems when you bump into them, then you might have potential consequences to deal with later that could cost your organization a lot of time and money.

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Productivity Optimization Part Two - How It Can Be Measured

Productivity Optimization Part Two - How It Can Be Measured

Last week, we aimed our laser focus on productivity and how it can be defined for your organization. Now, we would like to examine how you can measure productivity for your business. Let’s discuss how you can track your productivity.

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