
Dresner Group Blog

Our technology blogs feature IT tips and best practices for businesses in Columbia, Baltimore, Bel Air and in and about Maryland since 2002.

Why Clean Data Is Important for Backend Processes

Why Clean Data Is Important for Backend Processes

Businesses are constantly trying to find a way to best use their data. Whether it is creating a business intelligence strategy, integrating artificial intelligence, or for simple analytics, without having accurate, reliable data, the insights you derive can be misleading and end up costing you. That’s why it is important to know how to scrub or clean your data. Having access to clean data is essential for anyone involved in business intelligence or AI. Today, we will discuss the issue and give you a simple guide to help you get started.

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Avoiding Prison - The New Goal Post for Business Owners When It Comes to Cybersecurity

Avoiding Prison - The New Goal Post for Business Owners When It Comes to Cybersecurity

That title may have gotten your attention. We’re not a huge fan of being sensationalist or clickbaity, but in this case, maybe we should make an exception:

The Penalty for Breaking Cybersecurity Laws Could Result in Prison

There’s no sugarcoating this. Now let’s talk about how you can avoid going to jail.

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Machine Learning Explained

Machine Learning Explained

Emerging technologies offer significant opportunities for businesses to achieve their goals. However, understanding how and when to leverage these technologies is crucial. One of the most rapidly advancing technologies today is artificial intelligence (AI). Yet, AI encompasses more than what one might initially think. Many of the most impactful business tools are powered by a branch of AI called machine learning (ML). This month's newsletter delves into machine learning, its mechanics, and its applications within a business context.

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Big Data Initiatives Can Give You a Better Idea on the Best Ways to Run Your Business

Big Data Initiatives Can Give You a Better Idea on the Best Ways to Run Your Business

Big data is now a crucial resource for businesses of all sizes, including small enterprises. Today, businesses have unprecedented access to vast amounts of data, enabling them to make more informed decisions and operate more efficiently. This month’s newsletter explores how small businesses harness big data's power.

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You May Not Think You’re Popular, but Your Data Certainly Is

You May Not Think You’re Popular, but Your Data Certainly Is

Data is extremely important in the way that most businesses conduct themselves. This results in other people wanting that information, too. Today’s blog will look at how seemingly everyone online is out for your data. 

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How to Prioritize Security in File Sharing

How to Prioritize Security in File Sharing

Business file sharing has become a daily routine. It's a crucial part of collaboration, communication, and overall productivity. However, with the rise of cyberthreats, file security is more important than ever. It's not just about sharing files but doing it securely and efficiently. Today, we'll look at some best practices for business file sharing.

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Why It’s Good to Purge Your Digital Waste

Why It’s Good to Purge Your Digital Waste

So, what is digital waste?

Digital waste is all the useless data in our data storage that lingers until we do something with it. Extra files no longer needed, old emails and chats, and old, blurry pictures you never have and will never use… all qualify as digital waste. While it’s easy to discount digital waste as an annoyance (which it certainly can be), it creates a much bigger and more serious problem.

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Some of the Best Practices for Internal File Sharing

Some of the Best Practices for Internal File Sharing

Ensuring that your organization's file-sharing policies and procedures are built to enhance security can significantly impact collaboration, distinguishing between efficient, streamlined processes and time-purging, wasteful practices. Navigating this terrain can be a challenge. Let’s explore several best practices your organization can adopt to optimize file-sharing.

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Net Neutrality Seems Poised to Return in Upcoming FCC Vote — Here’s Why It Should

Net Neutrality Seems Poised to Return in Upcoming FCC Vote — Here’s Why It Should

The topic of net neutrality has had a tumultuous past few years, with steps forward canceled out by steps taken back. However, new efforts are being considered to restore the policies that made net neutrality what it was in the first place.

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All SMBs Need a Reliable VPN

All SMBs Need a Reliable VPN

Remote employees are in a conundrum when it comes to data security. While you might be able to protect data stored locally on your company’s in-house network, securing data in use by employees while out of the office is another matter entirely. How can you guarantee that your business is protecting its data and other sensitive resources from prying eyes?

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Three of the Biggest Security Solutions You Might Not Be Using

Three of the Biggest Security Solutions You Might Not Be Using

Your typical IT professional might suggest some common methods of network security like implementing better preventative measures, like firewalls and antivirus. However, there is more that goes into network security—far more. If you’re not careful, you could accidentally miss some of these three security solutions and expose your business to potential threats. But we’re not about to let that happen!

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Artificial Intelligence is Only as Unbiased as Its Data

Artificial Intelligence is Only as Unbiased as Its Data

Over the past few years, artificial intelligence has become a bona fide buzzword amongst businesses of all sizes, with 97% of respondents to a Forbes survey seeing a potential benefit in some way, shape, or form. However, with it being integrated everywhere in our modern lives, it is important that we remember that AI is still a human invention, as such, it is vulnerable to our own implicit biases.

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3 IT Metrics to Pay Attention To

3 IT Metrics to Pay Attention To

Any business can benefit from data and use it to improve its operations. This is especially the case where information technology is involved. By collecting the right metrics, you can better evaluate your business IT’s performance and identify areas for improvement.

Let’s review what some of these metrics should be.

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The NFL Is at the Forefront of Sports Technology

The NFL Is at the Forefront of Sports Technology

The big game was this past Sunday, and if you are like millions of other people, you tuned in to see the spectacle of the game, the halftime show, and Taylor Swift. Behind the scenes, the National Football League has been utilizing emerging technologies to help them solve some of their biggest problems. Let’s go into three ways the NFL is using technology to improve their product.

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Increase the Safety of Your Data with BDR

Increase the Safety of Your Data with BDR

Ensuring the safety and security of digital data is a key component to sustaining a smooth functioning business. In light of the increasing reliance on digital information, the implementation of robust Data Backup and Disaster Recovery strategies have become more important than ever. This month, we aim to discuss key components of an effective disaster recovery strategy, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding business data backups.

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Six Steps to Safer Business Data

Six Steps to Safer Business Data

Ensuring the security of your data is extremely important. If you are a frequent reader of this blog, you know that any unauthorized access to sensitive information can result in severe consequences for your business. The problem is that today’s cybercriminal tactics have become increasingly sophisticated, posing a constant challenge to organizational data security. Today, we look at six things you can do to keep your data secure.

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Bias In Underlying Data Can Cause AI to Show Bias

Bias In Underlying Data Can Cause AI to Show Bias

Recently, artificial intelligence has become a widely discussed topic among businesses of all sizes. According to a Forbes survey, 97 percent of respondents see potential benefits in incorporating AI into their operations. Despite its pervasive integration into modern life, however, it's crucial to recognize that AI is a human creation and, as such, is susceptible to bias.

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The VPN Is a Solid Tool for Data Security

The VPN Is a Solid Tool for Data Security

Nowadays, data security, especially on files that are attractive to hackers, has to be a priority. Many businesses have deployed a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to help them improve their data security. If you haven’t, understanding the myriad of benefits that businesses get from deploying a VPN will put in perspective just how useful the VPN can be. 

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Your Facebook Account is Worth More to Cybercriminals than You Might Think

Your Facebook Account is Worth More to Cybercriminals than You Might Think

In both business and personal life, Facebook and other social media platforms have become a pretty fundamental part of how people do things. Not only do we keep in touch with our friends and families, we manage our business’ reputations through these accounts.

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Don’t Skimp on These 3 Cloud Security Best Practices

Don’t Skimp on These 3 Cloud Security Best Practices

The cloud is an amazing tool for just about any business, allowing for countless benefits that span endless possibilities. However, because it involves the Internet and hosting data in an online environment, there are security challenges that naturally come about as a result of utilizing it. Let’s consider some of the security mistakes that businesses can experience while using the cloud.

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