
Dresner Group Blog

Our technology blogs feature IT tips and best practices for businesses in Columbia, Baltimore, Bel Air and in and about Maryland since 2002.

Technology is Behind Great Marketing Strategies

Technology is Behind Great Marketing Strategies

With technology being such a massive part of business today, many organizations are looking to use it to their advantage. One aspect of the business that is increasingly significant is their ability to stand out amongst their competition. Let’s take a look at a few technologies that can improve your organizational marketing efforts.

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Staying Safe on Social Media in 2024

Staying Safe on Social Media in 2024

You can do everything in your power to secure your social media accounts and lock down your privacy settings. Still, at the end of the day, social media users expose themselves to a torrent of information and content every time they log on. As a civilization, we’ve never really had something like this before. These platforms curate content that the user wants to see to keep the user coming back and staying longer. It’s inherently designed to be enticing and addicting, which is dangerous for certain individuals.

Then, there are scams and an endless stream of grifts that pose a wide range of additional problems for users.

Let’s talk about ways you and those you care about can be safer on social media.

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Protecting Your Identity and Privacy on Social Media in 2024

Protecting Your Identity and Privacy on Social Media in 2024

Social media is constantly evolving, and if the big social networks had it their way, it would be the only place people go when they log onto the Internet. Whether you have strong feelings for or against social media, or perhaps you are indifferent, it’s important to understand how to protect yourself when using social media.

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Tip of the Week: Zip and Unzip Compressed Files

Tip of the Week: Zip and Unzip Compressed Files

Have you ever seen the file types that look like normal folders, but they have a zipper on the icon? These are ZIP files, and they are helpful for a variety of reasons. We’re sure you have encountered zipped files throughout your time using technology, and today, we want to demystify them a little bit and show you how to use them effectively.

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Using AI to Dress Yourself Up for a Professional Selfie

Using AI to Dress Yourself Up for a Professional Selfie

While AI is far from perfect, I always love discovering ways that it can help do something mundane and speed up a workflow here or there. I’m no expert in Photoshop either, so if I need to edit something, I usually depend on someone with a little more experience, but this was a really neat trick I was able to do in just a few minutes!

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Tip of the Week: Create Sticky Notes in OneNote

Tip of the Week: Create Sticky Notes in OneNote

Note taking apps are really useful and Microsoft OneNote is one of the most available and feature rich apps on the market for this use. You are probably familiar with the sticky note. They are notes that give a solid visual representation of items that workers need to be cognizant of for all types of processes. In today’s blog, we will go through the process of creating “sticky notes” in OneNote.

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Manage Guests and External Sharing in Teams

Manage Guests and External Sharing in Teams

There will always be times when you have to invite guests and other external users to your Microsoft Teams meetings, especially if you want to take advantage of the many collaboration options offered through the platform. However, you need to be very careful with guests and external users–especially in today’s cybersecurity-centric world.

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Tip of the Week: Three Practices to Reduce Consternation About Your Technology

Tip of the Week: Three Practices to Reduce Consternation About Your Technology

Technology plays a massive role for most organizations nowadays, and not everyone always grasps the importance of it. Most of the time, there is so much built into today’s enterprise software that it can often be overwhelming for workers to use it effectively. Today, we will give you three tips on how to help employees get a grasp of the technology their productivity depends on.

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Tip of the Week: Creating Google Forms that Auto-Populate Google Sheets

Tip of the Week: Creating Google Forms that Auto-Populate Google Sheets

There are several reasons to use a form to collect data for your business, from customer impressions and service needs to employee feedback about internal matters as a means of collaborative decision-making. The trouble comes when it is time to compile all the responses… unless you know how to use the tools at your disposal.

For this week’s tip, we’re walking through the process of creating a form that self-populates a spreadsheet using Google’s toolkit.

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Downloading and Installing APK Files Could Put Your Business at Risk

Downloading and Installing APK Files Could Put Your Business at Risk

Your Android smartphone is a computer in and of itself; as such, it runs with an operating system installed. You install programs on your smartphone the same way you install them on your computer, although the process is more complicated. Today, we want to explain the types of files that the Android operating system uses to install apps on your phone, as well as why it might be a good idea to let the Google Play Store do the hard work for you, in terms of locating and installing apps.

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Tip of the Week: Three Steps to Policing Your IT Policies

Tip of the Week: Three Steps to Policing Your IT Policies

Small businesses are presented with the challenging prospect of monitoring and policing various IT-related policies that you might have for your network infrastructure and workplace technology use. The difficulty of this notion does little to lessen its importance, however. You need to take action to protect your assets, data, and reputation from the countless threats out there, and ensuring that your employees are properly using technology is paramount to this endeavor.

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Tip of the Week: Making Your Network VoIP-Friendly

Tip of the Week: Making Your Network VoIP-Friendly

We could go on and on about the benefits of using Voice over Internet Protocol (also known as VoIP) for your business telephone needs. However, it is important that you do everything you can to prepare your network for this kind of utilization. Let’s review a few tips to help make sure your network is properly optimized for VoIP.

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Tip of the Week: Build Better Passwords

Tip of the Week: Build Better Passwords

The password is the number one data protection strategy used in computing. It’s strange, however, how many times a weak password is the cause of data breaches and other situations that can hurt a business. In today’s blog, we go through some of the best password creation tips that will allow you to better secure your individual and business data. 

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Four Ways to Boost Your Password Hygiene

Four Ways to Boost Your Password Hygiene

Securing accounts is part of a comprehensive security strategy, and it all begins with practicing proper password hygiene. Are you using strong, complex passwords that are going to keep your accounts safe? While we always recommend using multiple measures to protect accounts, starting with your passwords can be a good way to build up to this. Let’s go over how to use better passwords for all of your online accounts and business needs.

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Tip of the Week: Implement Android Archiving to Free Up Storage Space

Tip of the Week: Implement Android Archiving to Free Up Storage Space

In April 2023, Google made a statement claiming that the Android platform would be able to archive unused applications with the intention of preserving storage space on the device. This came with a caveat: it would only do so if the device was almost out of available space. This auto-archiving feature, however, was released to a pleasant little surprise; it is available to all users, regardless of how much storage space is left on the device.

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Tip of the Week: Batch Create Folders Using Microsoft Excel

Tip of the Week: Batch Create Folders Using Microsoft Excel

We know you don’t need to be reminded that the administrative part of your job is one of the more unpleasant bits, at least one of the more boring parts of your work. One task that is particularly dull is creating different folders for all your employees, projects, and organizational needs. Microsoft Excel, however, makes it much easier to handle this mundane task—and you’ll feel like a pro for using it in this way.

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Tip of the Week: Use Auto Filter to Sort and Filter Excel Data

Tip of the Week: Use Auto Filter to Sort and Filter Excel Data

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for organizing and analyzing data, and its ceiling for mastery is incredibly high. Thankfully, you don’t need to know every little thing about Excel to get value out of it, and thanks to built-in features like Auto Filter, you can still get plenty of value out of it even if you’re not a power user. Let’s go over how you can use Auto Filter to more effectively navigate spreadsheets filled with data.

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Tip of the Week: Use Android Activities and Shortcuts to Boost Productivity

Tip of the Week: Use Android Activities and Shortcuts to Boost Productivity

Android users, you might have noticed that your applications drawer can get cluttered pretty quickly. If you find it difficult to navigate or find the apps you are looking for, then you’ll be relieved to know that you have a couple simple options available to help your navigation be more manageable. You can even go to specific screens within your applications.

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Tip of the Week: Stop Apps from Draining Your Android’s Battery Life

Tip of the Week: Stop Apps from Draining Your Android’s Battery Life

It’s natural for your mobile device’s battery to drain over time, especially as it gets a bit on the older side, but there are also applications that are notorious for causing faster battery drainage than you might prefer. Today, we’re going to help you identify the problem apps on your devices and provide opportunities to address them.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Ways You Can Save Money on Your IT

Tip of the Week: 3 Ways You Can Save Money on Your IT

If you are trying to add new tools to your infrastructure, you might quickly find that technology can be a serious challenge for your budget… that is, unless you make some smart investments and decisions about how you implement it. We can help you make the best technology decisions for your business. In fact, here are three strategies you can try to optimize your technology spending.

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