
Dresner Group Blog

Our technology blogs feature IT tips and best practices for businesses in Columbia, Baltimore, Bel Air and in and about Maryland since 2002.

Tip of the Week: Three Practices to Reduce Consternation About Your Technology

Tip of the Week: Three Practices to Reduce Consternation About Your Technology

Technology plays a massive role for most organizations nowadays, and not everyone always grasps the importance of it. Most of the time, there is so much built into today’s enterprise software that it can often be overwhelming for workers to use it effectively. Today, we will give you three tips on how to help employees get a grasp of the technology their productivity depends on.

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Opportunity Cost, Return on Investment, and Saving Money with Technology

Opportunity Cost, Return on Investment, and Saving Money with Technology

Part of doing business is understanding certain types of trade-offs related to the decisions you make. Specifically, we want to highlight opportunity cost as it relates to technology. What is the opportunity cost of technology, and why is it an important concept for a business owner to grasp?

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Downloading and Installing APK Files Could Put Your Business at Risk

Downloading and Installing APK Files Could Put Your Business at Risk

Your Android smartphone is a computer in and of itself; as such, it runs with an operating system installed. You install programs on your smartphone the same way you install them on your computer, although the process is more complicated. Today, we want to explain the types of files that the Android operating system uses to install apps on your phone, as well as why it might be a good idea to let the Google Play Store do the hard work for you, in terms of locating and installing apps.

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All SMBs Need a Reliable VPN

All SMBs Need a Reliable VPN

Remote employees are in a conundrum when it comes to data security. While you might be able to protect data stored locally on your company’s in-house network, securing data in use by employees while out of the office is another matter entirely. How can you guarantee that your business is protecting its data and other sensitive resources from prying eyes?

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Virtualization Translates to More Savings, Efficiency, and Security

Virtualization Translates to More Savings, Efficiency, and Security

How often does your business find that it’s struggling with new technology implementation, either on the software side of the house or on the hardware side? Have you considered that the cloud provides powerful solutions to your business’ woes in the form of virtualization? With the right resources at your disposal, you can use virtualization to create incredible opportunities to improve operations for your business and make it more secure and flexible in the process.

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CRM Options that Meet the Size of Your Business

CRM Options that Meet the Size of Your Business

Maintaining positive customer relationships is an extremely important consideration for every business. One of the best tools any business can use is the customer relationship management (CRM) platform. While most CRMs have similar features, some come with more advancements; and higher costs. Today, we will get into what type of CRM you should consider for each level of business.

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Modern Businesses Frequently Rely on These Three Communication Tools

Modern Businesses Frequently Rely on These Three Communication Tools

While various solutions support organizations in their interactions with both employees and customers, three pivotal solutions have become indispensable for today’s businesses. Let's explore these three key solutions.

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The New Year is a Great Time to Audit Your Software

The New Year is a Great Time to Audit Your Software

The end of the year is always a great time to look back on the past and look forward to the future and what it might look like. One way you can do this is by looking to cut out some of the clutter within your organization’s network by examining how often your applications are used and which services you are subscribed to.

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10 Software Tools that Help Build Efficiency

10 Software Tools that Help Build Efficiency

Service businesses, which provide intangible services rather than physical products, often require specific software to manage their operations efficiently and enhance customer service. Some of the most important software for service businesses include:

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Tip of the Week: Batch Create Folders Using Microsoft Excel

Tip of the Week: Batch Create Folders Using Microsoft Excel

We know you don’t need to be reminded that the administrative part of your job is one of the more unpleasant bits, at least one of the more boring parts of your work. One task that is particularly dull is creating different folders for all your employees, projects, and organizational needs. Microsoft Excel, however, makes it much easier to handle this mundane task—and you’ll feel like a pro for using it in this way.

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There Is a Strategy for Successfully Scaling Your Business Technology

There Is a Strategy for Successfully Scaling Your Business Technology

Scaling your business' technology infrastructure is crucial for sustainable growth. With the right strategies and tools in place, you can effectively optimize your operations and enhance productivity. Let’s delve into key approaches and considerations when it comes to scaling your business' technology.

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Get More out of Windows 11 with These Productivity Boosters

Get More out of Windows 11 with These Productivity Boosters

With the latest version of Windows, Windows 11, users can leverage all manner of great productivity-boosting features to take full advantage of the new technology at their fingertips. Let’s look at some of the features that users of Windows 11 can use to make better use of their time with the operating system.

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What Types of Software Does Your Business Need?

What Types of Software Does Your Business Need?

Your business uses software to function, but we would like you to consider the role that each of your applications fulfills for your business. Do you have the right amount of software for your company’s needs, or do you have a lot of redundant solutions that only complicate your infrastructure and operations? Today, we’ll discuss the different types of software your company might use so you can make educated decisions about applications you might implement for your needs.

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3 Benefits that Make Software as a Service a Great Choice

3 Benefits that Make Software as a Service a Great Choice

Software is extremely important for businesses, so when you are creating the strategy and roster of applications you plan to use, you need to be smart about it. One way you can make the most out of your technology budget is to consider Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). With SaaS, your business can get the digital assets it needs at a price you can afford. Let’s discuss what makes SaaS so valuable for businesses. 

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Why Your Antivirus is a Critical Element in Your Cybersecurity

Why Your Antivirus is a Critical Element in Your Cybersecurity

We spend a lot of time on cybersecurity, because it is so important for your business. One of the most important parts of any cybersecurity effort is the antivirus. Oftentimes, it is one of those things that once it’s in place, you don’t have to pay any mind to. Unfortunately, like anything else, you need to give your organizational antivirus a little TLC if you expect it to work the way you need it to.

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4 Means of Improving How Productive Your Team Can Be While Mobile

4 Means of Improving How Productive Your Team Can Be While Mobile

Mobile computing has become a crucial part of many businesses. Unfortunately, it isn’t always cut and dry as far as the use of these devices is concerned. Sure, they have proven to be a useful tool, but they also have been known to cause significant distractions. If you are looking for a way to maximize the benefits of mobile computing, these four tips can help you.

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Can You Get By with Consumer-Based Software?

Can You Get By with Consumer-Based Software?

Your business runs on software, whether it’s the systems you implement to get work done or the customer relations management software you use to communicate with the consumers of your goods or services. You’d be hard-pressed to find a business that doesn’t rely on software in some capacity, so it’s not a stretch to say that your business is only as effective as the solutions you implement.

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Automation Makes for Easier Work

Automation Makes for Easier Work

Everyone’s job has some degree of minutiae involved. Not everything can be exciting: I mean even a stuntman sits around for most of the day before his or her death-defying scene happens. This week, we thought we’d go through the importance of these seemingly rote tasks and how instituting technology that allows you to automate more of them can actually help a business accomplish a lot. 

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VoIP is a Great Choice for Businesses

VoIP is a Great Choice for Businesses

Few parts of your technology infrastructure will have such a profound impact on your operations as your communications systems. Whether it’s your email or your phone systems, you’re bound to use them on a daily basis, and you’ll feel a significant deficit in your operations without them. Today we want to look at one particular solution and ask if it’s right for you (hint: it is): Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP.

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Image File Types and Their Purposes

Image File Types and Their Purposes

There are all kinds of different file formats for just about anything stored on your computer, but there are a couple of images that you might not immediately be able to tell the difference between. Depending on how the picture is used, the file format can make all the difference. Let’s investigate some of these image file types and what they are best used for. Doing so may help you make better decisions as you go about your daily tasks.

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